Dry eye is a very common and troublesome problem than can affect all ages. There may be several underlying causes, and unfortunately there is no permanent cure.
The mainstay of treatment is the use of eye drops. There are over 40 different over the counter dry eye drops available to buy without a prescription. This makes choosing the correct eye drop potentially confusing.
Currently available eye drops may contain one of the following active ingredients:
None of these ingredients is superior to the other. The recommendation of our Consultants is therefore to try an eyedrop from each category to see which suits you the best.
Our DRIPS pack (Dry eye Pack Small), contains sample eye drops from each of the above categories allowing you to try all of the above eye drop types from one convenient pack. The eye drops have been chosen by our Consultants based on their extensive experience of treating patients with dry eyes over many years. This can be bought by pressing this link.
If you have dry eye problems as a result of blepharitis, you may wish to consider our Blepharitis pack. This contains eyes drops designed to replace the lipid component of your tears as well as specially designed eyelid wipes to help clean the lids, both of which may alleviate symptoms. This can be bought by pressing this link.
If you are finding that your eyes are drying as a result of contact lens wear, our Lens Hydration pack may prove beneficial. This contains eye drops from different chemical classes that can be given while you have your contact lenses on. This can be bought by pressingthis link.
A full range of individual dry eye drops from each of the above categories can also be bought by clicking here.
Information on our online Consultation process for Dry Eye Drops can be found by clicking here.